Down-to-earth Strategies Examined

Expensive woo-woo garbage for suckers. My root chakra? O.K. And this session of hand-fluttering was how much — $90? Ohhhkay. But I stiffened on her massage table, and my eyes, squished into the puffy face cushion, widened — I hadn’t told her my mom had recently died. And soon after that, I found myself in line to buy a polished sphere of root-healing red carnelian. Two middle-aged women with matching haircuts held hands in front of me as they bought an oversize amethyst cluster. They nodded at me as they left, recognizing me for what I am now: one of them. It took me 15 years as a lesbian to finally become a person who pays attention to whether Mercury is in retrograde, someone who is excited about the summer solstice on June 21, a person who reads her Chani Nicholas horoscope each week with bated breath.
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