Some Useful Guidance On Convenient Solutions

In the midst of escalating nuclear tensions between North Korea and the US , the State Department kicked up its travel warning to the rouge nation to advisory level 4 — “do not travel” — which is the most serious warning on the scale. And as part of that level 4 warning, the State Department suggested travellers with special dispensation to travel to North Korea — and perhaps those planning to head there anyway — heed the following sobering advice. “Draft a will and designate appropriate insurance beneficiaries and/or power of attorney,” the State Department said on its recently updated website. Photograph released by North Korea’s regime shows Pyongyang residents greet officers of the Hwasong-15 missile test launch in Pyongyang on December 8. Picture: AFP PHOTO/KCNA VIA KNSSource:AFP It also said travellers should “discuss a plan with loved ones regarding care/custody of children, pets, property, belongings, non-liquid assets (collections, artwork, etc.), funeral wishes, etc.” As far as travel warnings go, this is pretty grim. Like Australia, the US doesn’t have an embassy in North Korea and if trouble arises, its citizens have to seek the protective power of the Swedish embassy in Pyongyang. Sweden is one of only a handful of countries with an embassy in North Korea. But the State Department warned the Swedish embassy might not always be able to come to the rescue of tourists in trouble. “Sweden serves as the protecting power for the United States in North Korea, providing limited emergency services,” the department said. “The North Korean government routinely delays or denies Swedish officials access to detained US citizens.” A rare glimpse of street life in Pyongyang. Picture: Ian CollinsSource:Supplied It is possible for Australians to travel to North Korea with a visa.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/us-tells-travellers-to-plan-their-funerals-before-north-korea-holiday/news-story/3f80b73203b167d194e09da0ace03934
Some Emerging Guidelines On No-hassle Products In

The service, Oh My Oppa, allows foreign visitors to “rent an oppa”. “It started out as a joke that foreigners coming to South Korea expect to find men like the ones they see on dramas, but no, there aren’t any men on the streets that are as good-looking, tall and nice as the TV stars,” said Mr Lee Joon Woo, CEO of Winwincook, in an interview with The Korea Herald. Mr Lee’s company conducted a test run of the Oh My Oppa service last month and is preparing to launch a full-fledged service in April. “We thought we would present these tourists with men we can be proud of. Although it was a joke at first, we followed up with an actual website and the social media reaction has been beyond our expectations,” Mr Lee said. The Oh My Oppa website currently features seven Korean men, who are not professional tour guides but friendly local “bros” willing to offer assistance for a fee. They may cut up steak for tourists, take flattering photographs and offer encouraging comments. However, as they are real Korean men with minimal training, English may not be their forte. During the tour, the guides and tourists may visit pet cafes or do activities that require extra payment, but only if they agree. For paid activities, bills are split. For paid activities, the bills are split. PHOTO: THE KOREA HERALD Mr Lee said demand for the tour guides has mainly come from European countries such as France, England and Germany, and South-east Asian places including Hong Kong, Thailand and Indonesia. The idea of “renting an oppa” might seem bizarre, even ludicrous to some, but it’s hardly the first of its kind. Chinese app Hire Me Plz offers instant dates to bring to occasions such as family events that demand a presentable plus one.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/travel/you-can-now-rent-an-oppa-to-be-your-tour-guide-in-korea
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